
Below you will find a list of my recent publications in academic journals, in conference proceedings as well as in non-academic outlets.

publications in refereed academic journals


  1. TRSC
    Data-Driven Competitor-Aware Positioning in On-Demand Vehicle Rental Networks
    Schroer, K., Ketter, W., Lee, T.Y., Gupta, A., and Kahlen, M.T.
    Transportation Science, 2021


  1. Appl.Energy
    Extending the environmental benefits of ethanol–diesel blends through DGE incorporation
    Herreros, J.M., Schroer, K., Sukjit, E., and Tsolakis, A.
    Applied Energy, 2015

publications in refereed conference proceedings


  1. WITS
    Preference-Aware Planning and Operations of Electric Vehicle Charging Clusters: A Prescriptive Framework
    Schroer, K., Ahadi, R., Lee, Y.T., and Ketter, W.
    In Workshop on Information Systems and Technology (WITS) 2021 (Austin, TX), 2021
  2. SIGGreen
    Data-driven Planning and Operations of Electric Vehicle Charging Hubs
    Schroer, K., Ahadi, R., Lee, Y.T., and Ketter, W.
    In Proceedings of the SIG GREEN Workshop 2021 (Austin, TX), 2021
    Dynamic Pricing to Manage On-demand Vehicle Rental Network Operations: An Empirical Study of ShareNow
    Schroer, K., Demircan, M., and Ketter, W.
    In INFORMS 2021 Annual Meeting (Anaheim, CA), 2021
  4. CIST
    Examining the Role of Product Differentiation in the Sharing Economy
    Demircan, M., Schroer, K., Fritze, M.P., and Ketter, W.
    In INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (Newport Beach, CA), 2021


  1. ICIS
    To Substitute or to Supplement? - Investigating the Heterogeneous Effects of Electric Scooter Platform Introduction on Micromobility
    Schroer, K., Pohl, M., and Ketter, W.
    In International Conference on Information Systems 2020 (India), 2020
    An Empirical Analysis Of The Heterogenous E!ects Of Electric Scooter Platform Introduction On Micromobility
    Schroer, K., and Ketter, W.
    In INFORMS 2020 Annual Meeting (Virtual), 2020


  1. WITS
    Optimal management of free-floating vehicle sharing systems under competition
    Schroer, K., Ketter, W., Lee, T.Y., Gupta, A., and Kahlen, A.
    In Workshop on Information Systems and Technology 2019 (Munich), 2019
  2. SIGGreen
    An Online Learning and Optimization Approach for Competitor-Aware Management of Shared Mobility Systems
    Schroer, K., Ketter, W., Lee, T.Y., Gupta, A., and Kahlen, M.
    In Proceedings of the SIG GREEN Workshop, 2019
  3. PASS
    Utilizing Real-Time Competitor Information to Boost Profits for One-Way Transportation Companies
    Schroer, K., Kahlen, M., Ketter, W., Lee, T.Y., and Gupta, A.
    In Workshop on Policy, Awareness, Sustainability, and Systems (PASS) (Cologne), 2019
  4. CIST
    Fleet Wars – Leveraging Big Urban Data for Competitor- Aware Predictive Analytics in Free-Floating Shared Mobility Systems
    Schroer, K., Kahlen, M., Ketter, W., Lee, T.Y., and Gupta, A.
    In INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (Seattle, WA), 2019

technical reports and publications in media outlets


  1. How road pricing is tackling congestion and pollution in cities like London and Singapore
    Ketter, W., M., Loan, Eckhardt, C.F., Wolff, C., and Schroer, K.
    World Economic Forum Blogpost, 2021
  2. Sustainable Road Transport and Pricing
    Eckhardt, C.F., Gray, K., Haon, S., Ketter, W., Shann, L.W., Ma, W., Ang, J.M., and Schroer, K.
    World Economic Forum Whitepaper, 2021


  1. Analyse zukĂĽnftiger Elektrofahrzeugdaten auf Basis von App-Daten
    Lielienkamp, A., Kienscherf, P., Schroer, K., and Gierkink, M.
    Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 2020
  2. Virtuelle Kraftwerke aus Elektrofahrzeugen
    Ketter, Wolfgang, and Schroer, Karsten
    MitUns, 2020
  3. Accessing new revenue pools through virtual power planting of electric vehicle fleets
    Ketter, W., and Schroer, K.
    Wundermobility Blog, 2020


  1. Artificial Intelligence: A smart move for utilities
    Henzelmann, T., Hammermeister, F., Wurm, B., Nonnenmacher, L., Preiss, S., and Schroer, K.
    Roland Berger Think:Act, 2018